Super Tails Hero's AVG DID Manipulations Site Ver. 2.0

Links to Related Sites
DID Comics
Video Game DID Art Work
Flash DID Games
DID Video Clips
Diamonds in the Rough
Who's Tailshero
Links to Related Sites
Video Game DID Manipulations
Anime DID Manipulations
Contact Me

This banner will take you to my main DID site, but since it has a lot of technical problems I'm using this site to support it.  Feel free to check it out if it's working.


Need more manipulations, then head over to Cheshire Cat's site.  He is another great manipulator!  He also does some different manips than I do such as mumifications and blindfolds.


Mega Bondagemon is the creator of this site.  If you have never been to his site then may shame be upon you for all time or you could just click on the banner instead.  He is in my opinion one of the best DID artist.


This is the newest VGAnime DID board

Bondage Mog's Yahoo Group

Mog is a good DID artist who has done many damsels I like.  we've sent some gift art to eachother in the past.

Limpurtikles  is just starting work on his site,but he has a lot of DIDs.  We like similar damsels Amy, Kairi, ect.  He was also kind enough to put a link to my site on his page so I am returning the favor.

Limpurtikles DID Site