Super Tails Hero's AVG DID Manipulations Site Ver. 2.0

Who's Tailshero
DID Comics
Video Game DID Art Work
Flash DID Games
DID Video Clips
Diamonds in the Rough
Who's Tailshero
Links to Related Sites
Video Game DID Manipulations
Anime DID Manipulations
Contact Me

Hello all my name is TailHero and here is a little bit of info on me.

Any how I'm twenty, in college, and a big fan of DID.

I've always had an interest in DIDs, (not that I knew the acronym of course) since I saw penny tied and gagged in the old Inspector Gadget show.  It wasn't until I linked to Mega Bondagemon's site however, that I linked to the AVGDID Board and really got interested.  Well that's how I got here.  


Here's a list of some of my favorite video games:

Sonic Heroes, Phantasy Star Online Eps. I&II, Kingdom Hearts, Viewtiful Joe, and Pokemon. 

Here's a list of some of my favorite past times.

I like writing fan fiction, drawing, and playing card games.